Legal notice

Agricola Manuel Blanco s.l., in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, provides you with the following general information data:

Who is the owner of the domain and the website (
That identification data are: Agricola Manuel Blanco s.l. Duque de Valencia 8 ,18300 Loja. Granada. That is registered with NIF B-19708262 in the Commercial Registry of Granada, Entrada NÂș 3153 de 25/11/1994. Asiento 1481. Folio 245. Diario 46.

The use of the website grants the condition of user and implies full acceptance of all the provisions contained in this Legal Notice and in the Privacy Policy. If the user does not agree with the conditions set forth herein, he/she should not access and use the website.

The content of the website is the property of Agricola Manuel Blanco s.l., and any type of copy or reproduction of all or part of the content is prohibited without the express authorization of its owner.

Agricola Manuel Blanco s.l. assumes no responsibility for external links to third parties that may be incorporated into the website, as it has no control over them, their content, the services they provide or the way in which they appear.

The user of the website undertakes to make proper use of it, not to use it for practices contrary to the law or good faith and not to cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Agricola Manuel Blanco s.l.